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Navigating Our New Normal: COVID-19

Over the past couple of weeks, I have spent a lot of time reading through, sitting in front of and consuming information surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping our world. There are some stories that tell you to shelter in place, while others tell you that this entire disaster of a virus is directly linked to the upgrade to 5G and a total conspiracy theory. The media scares us with the numbers of cases and death imprinted to the side of the screen and the stories of those who have fought and overcome the virus are uplifting and inspirational. Talk about an emotional reality check, huh? Whew!

I have always been one to allow my heart to guide me through troubling times; times of uncertainty and anxiety. Naturally, or genetically rather, I am an anxious person predisposed to think the worst and plan for the best possible form of combatant and protection for myself and my family. Throughout this pandemic, and excessive time at home, I have learned a few lessons, by being fully aware within my own being, and I think it’s important to share that with others who are trying to navigate through the chaos and daily task force briefings.

1. It’s okay to not know what the future is going to hold. Our worlds have literally been turned upside down in a matter of weeks, from job losses to indefinite school cancellations. We are more resilient than we understand and will make it through.

2. It’s also fully okay to not know what the now will hold either. The news changes daily so why wouldn’t our emotions change too? Sure, one day you tell yourself, “I got this! My stay-at-home schedule is down pat,” while other days your crying in the shower not knowing how you’re going to make it through your child’s new online course structure.

3. Differing opinions are going to show their face now more than ever. You are going to face people who tell you that it is ridiculous to stay inside, while others are telling you it is crucial to be with your immediate family to flatten the curve. Whatever you feel is fully valid and stems from a place of your own experiences and understanding is the path you should follow, but don’t be ignorant in your choices. Educate yourself and empathize with others, especially those that are vulnerable to the wrath of this virus.

4. Social media is going to be filled with the above-mentioned opinions. Don’t let posts distract you or steer you away from your own inner peace. If you are feeling upset or anxious while scrolling through your feed, close out of the app, unfollow or unfriend people who are making you feel as such.

5. Perspective blossoms from seeds of uncertainty. During the most trying times of our life we will reach a point of clarity for what and who matters most in our life. You may have been grappling over the path of your life before this pandemic started and now the trail is wide open based on your passions and perspective. You may have had it all together before this (KUDOS!) and are now realizing that you care deeply about the health and wellbeing of those you love and have a new found appreciation for essential workers; that is a new perspective too.

Listen, we are all trying to navigate this newly defined normal. Some days are going to feel better than others. Some days we are going to struggle to find our productivity and understanding while others we are fast-tracking through all of our work-from-home assignments. To sum it up simply, be kind to others, listen to your heart and always wash your hands.


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